The hills are brown, (no green grass is found)

Little rain has dampened our fields.

It is a dry and warm summer, this year;

While at this moment I gaze upon these dry, browning hills.

I feel, I too am dry and brown,

Drained of emotional rain

My soul feels abandoned; a slow burn

No release of colour, and vigour - as fodder for

Soul-talk, (pause) spiritual-flow (poetry?)

If these hills could talk, what would they say

Of this climate change? – drought in areas,

Excessive rain in others – countries abroad

Have too much snow, floods, storms and volcano flows!

I feel, I too have a climate crises;

How do I give fresh breath to thoughtful

Contemplation (pause)

Justification is a selfish state,

Surrender to external forces,

Makes it difficult to grow.

We need rain – slow, gentle, refreshing rain

- Relationship Affirmation Intimacy Natural -

Plenty of rain

to green these hills again,

to release conversational flow, hidden in my soul!

Stephen Douglas

27 Feb 2015; parked in my van, Aotea, Porirua New Zealand;

looking towards brown hills. 3 April 2015 © stephen c douglas