delicate. . .delicate. . .delicate…..

Wish you were here,. . .because the sands of time are sinking and the summer morn i’ve sighed for is reaching out its embrace.

mortality is the weakness of humanity it has no care for titles, age or beauty ignoring all excuses, the sands of time closes in, as the sweet morn awakes

. . . delicate . . . delicate . . . delicate

As the fair sweet morn awakes, I with urgency a rise to take the path leading to the edge (to see) the dawn of heaven breaking…. each of us are drawn to this pathway there’s no mistaking….modern ways to delay the start seem pointless, when from birth the spirit (like the bird) wants to fly

delicate. . .

delicate. . .

delicate. . .

Are the senses of breath and heartbeat. “life is only as bad as I let it be” from struggle to sublime, ‘fear not’ is the message drifting through the breeze. the sand of times are sinking… as the dawn of heaven breaks…

as the fair sweet morn awakes… and the summer morning i’ve sighed for….is breaking wish you were here ….travel light ….my friend ….i wish you well. . .

copyright stephen c douglas, 03/04/2011