ANZAC Day 2023 - at the going down of\ ** * the sun, we will remember them.***

Young and old gather for their parades as\ dawn quietly comes, and the anzac call rings out\ and there is the fly-by of the NZ Warbirds, as\ hundreds line the streets, as we remember them.\ And everyone should get an anzac cookie, she said.*

Traditions bind us as both countries host their\ parades, and many proudly wear medals for dad,\ and granddad—emotional speeches are made\ as we remember them—those who left their shore\ and went to fight in another country’s war.

A field of white crosses with the names of Maori**\ service men (killed in action) at Waitangi Grounds\ and their story of war is not forgotten, as we\ remember them, who gave their lives for us.\ And everyone should get an anzac cookie, she said.

ANZAC Day is special—as we remember them (those\ who said “yes”) to fighting in all our wars, in faraway places\ and those who did not return to their homeland shore;\ old aren’t young anymore, and the young aren’t old yet.\ And together, we parade to remember them who went\ abroad as servicemen and those who stayed to keep the\ home fires burning; we remember them all.

Based upon TV one news, ANZAC Day 2023\ *the young girl interviewed *28th Maori Battalion

© stephen c douglas, 29 April 2023, for Kiwi Poet