These candles remind-and challenge-us to be people who are faithful to the most basic qualities of being: living, breathing human beings, sensitive to the whisperings of old.


These qualities that reside within the soul- not learned, but known; not bought, but grown. Not an adjunct, but essential, not cultural, but natural. Innate, as priceless as gold; they must be cultivated, like tender plants, nutured wisely, to yield a manyfold return.

The stones speak of a pathway, a road- Little is known about the way of being human when life is first breathed into the soul. But as we grow, questions arise, a yearning to know, as detail transforms from senses to thought, from thought to action.

The pottery speaks in tones of simplicity and place- Each life begins in its own space- there is no “one place fits all.” Though every soul has a call, its birthplace may limit or enrich. Yet still, there comes a reconciliation, a moment to embrace our place.

Young Mary (with child) travelled the way, as Joseph led and offered support. With little, they began their journey, together nurturing these qualities-


So, let us nurture these qualities that their starlight may shine brightly in our world that needs: HOPE - PEACE - LOVE and JOY

Inspiration: Advent Candles at St Paul’s Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt, NZ

copyright stephen c douglas, 10/12/24 as Kiwi Poet.