One Day at a Time

By Stephen Douglas

…….Where upon we lie upon our bed

…….Day is done and night has come

…….To drift in slumber,

……………to dream of what’s ahead

…………………Mid July, bright winter sky

You in the home making it fresh

I in the garage sorting the mess

Together we’ve be doing our best…..

…….Where upon we lie upon our bed

…….Day is done and night has come

…….To drift in slumber,

……………to dream of what’s ahead

………………….Moments, minutes we have spent

Loosely or Meticulous, they’ve be said

Defining whom we are being

Shaping our living testimony…….

…….Where upon we lie upon our bed

…….Day is done and night has come

…….To drift in slumber,

……………to dream of what’s ahead

…………………DNA nature’s building block

Character and looks from forebears

Enhanced by our words and deeds

With personality and aptitude achieved…..

…….Where upon we lie upon our bed

…….Day is done and night has come

…….To drift in slumber,

……………to dream of what’s ahead

…………………Spoken thoughts can mess our heads

As we try different ways to make life’s sense

Some be fruitful, some be lost

All together they be what we’ve got…..

…….Where upon we lie upon our bed

…….Day is done and night has come

…….To drift in slumber,

……………to dream of what’s ahead

…………………One day at a time is all we get

Be it fair or wrong, who are we to dispute

The appropriateness of each day’s offering

But when it’s done, be it up to you and me

Making good, of how we’ve loved today…..

…….Where upon we lie upon our bed

…….Day is done and night has come

…….To drift in slumber,

……………to dream of what’s ahead

© stephen c douglas 17 July & 21 Aug. 2016; 09 April 2020 edit for

Inspired by the opening lines I spoke aloud after a nice clear mid-winter Saturday at home.Also, Friday evening while minding three grandchildren saw the film ‘About Time’.Then on Saturday night at the movies (home of Rick and Jeannette van Barneveld) ‘The Life of a King’

Maybe these two movies have inspired the under tone of this expression – being aware of the enrichment of life by living one day at a time.