Alone......not a-lone #2

When my day is spent and
Poetry by Stephen Douglas of New Zealand
When my day is spent and
Oh LORD, I've done it again, I've gone the wrong way
As the old begins to decay, and the new takes place today.
These candles remind-and challenge-us to be........
1\ “Don’t look back.”\ Today, the preacher spoke:\ about a man named Lot*\ who lived in the city of Sodom.\ How angels knocked on his door\ to warn that fire would fall,\ for the people’s way are evil.\ “Take your wife and family,\ flee from this place\ and don’t look back!”
Spring is nature’s annual fling
I picked some flowers on a sunny day
the Beauty of Being Me\ by Stephen Douglas
The mountains melt like wax before the Lord,
the Way
My soul skipped with real delight After the pain, a rainbow in the clouds! I ask, “For me and not the crowds?” Its appearance makes such a sight! Marching across the sky, side to side Like a soldier in colourful stride.
What am I made for?
Our worth unknown,
Latin; manu tenere “hold in the hand”
Which accumulate to make a whole.
Rest is good for the body and soul. It regenerates energy and control.
Accept My Thanks
Accept my thanks, LORD, for all you have done My hands where empty and you filled them! Look kindly toward me Lord I have done my time I’ve worked the land you gave me Now I pass it on. What you put into my hands I have been careful to attend too; To make a shelter for whanau and beast. You guided me and I listened You gave me instruction and I obeyed You supplied and I offered my hands Show me mercy Lord before I die! Selah The sale pens remind me How you’ve blessed my labouring’s My house is a symbol of provision How you spoke and I believed. Now strengthen me once more LORD, I need your justice Where I have done wrong – forgive!
Northland Tour (with Ultrik) Old house with sheep pens: 2707 State Highway 4 Owhango; 3 Oct © stephen c douglas; as kiwi poet & photo shoots; 22 Oct ‘23
For the search of joy, no need to wander far\ Because happiness resides by your side, and\ Beauty is not too far, it’s even nearby.
\ Then he spoke his observation:
Wairaka, the daughter of Toroa, captain of the Mataatua canoe, uttered the words “Me whakatāne au i ahau” (I must act like a man) when she saved the Mataatua after it came adrift.
ANZAC Day 2023 - at the going down of\ ** * the sun, we will remember them.***
Easter Sunday 2023.
Passover blood upon the cross from, An innocent young man
For I am sowing ‘The Kingdom’ seed to ensure I have a good foundation so trials and tribulations will not knock me! *Quote:* *we decide our tomorrow by our sowing today*
I read Wislawa’s* Nobel Prize Lecture this morning and the poet’s phrase: “I don’t know” got me!
My son, we said goodbye to you today, just as the sun-set behind the distant hills.
We wait for many things while at the same time we are doing. Busy doing this or that, yet deep down we know we are waiting…
An activity, an engagement of thought to proceed, to produce an action. While we nurse the spirit of waiting there is the flow of emotion, feelings when in reality it is the art or perception of waiting which engages us.
\ Courage to Go. . . 2023
the sea of hopefulness
Does verse one describe your feelings which could be physical,
Colour and Beauty Show
akitio - doing something slowly
You’re a speck of light in the darkened sky, you’re a pinch of salt in a tasteless world,
Daddy is so powerful his voice can shake the earth.
Scripture describes me like a sheep gone astray, going my own way.
*the single standard rose pokes its red nose right past the sill, to be right in my view!*
Today I plan to walk with the rain and ask, “Would you like to come too?” I’m dressed with coat and leggings so, why not come and play the game?
From the beginning, before substance was formed\ Wisdom (Holy Spirit) was there alongside as the helper.\ Before galaxies and earth was established, God knew.
I love my Harley darling, she’s slick & clean,\ she beams as i ride along the highway,\ her low slung body takes the curvy bends\ as other riders turn their heads to see\ how i lean her low; enough not to go topsy-turvy.
Poem & Photo by Stephen Douglas © stephen c douglas, 17 April ’22 for kiwi.poet
There is something about. . . a nice clear day no cloud in the sky, no wind to fly. All my cares, I now commit to prayer, as I rest them in Jesus’ name.\
There is something about. . . a picture of me young ‘n’ wild, a hearty smile. All my hopes centred as a wee child, as I develop a sense of life’s worth.\
There is something about. . . a look at the past in the light of today’s growth. All my self-doubt and fear, didn’t last, as I learnt in light, we’re all the same.\
There is something about a. . . bird in flight an ant hill & a crocodile’s tail. All our knowledge equals nought, belief and action seal their tale.\
There is something about. . . a new baby’s cry it tells you and I we’re fairly made. All our doubts and questions need fly, as we have no answer to its DNA line.\
There is something about. . . the end of a day no sunset the same, no star alike. All my cares are being sorted, as I apply my knowledge with hope…..\
There is something about. . . a trusting soul which brings the Father much delight!
in between there are footprints in the sand
* Give me a pale pink blossom Framed by a bright blue sky, Any day of the week my dear ~ Before we need to depart awhile
**Barriers, be they physical or emotional circular in style or concrete in shape.**
Next, there is the task ......of sowing, a bright new lawn
We listen to the streams, to preserve their fragile wetlands
Let me come, to the end of my journey, with the sunshine on my face
....colours are seen, but what is not is their history
I saw myself to be like a little seed dropped into the crevice of a mighty rock and there I was bound to be, so I set about allowing myself to be free by responding to the impulse to grow,
It's this time of year again / when Santa and his reindeer come....
Memories dance about inside my head, telling me not to cry
You LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, and the One who lifts up my head
As I thank You for my life. \ Help me to go about blessed \ With your Spirit’s insight \ And hear You affirm I’m your beloved.
*“Where will the bellbird sing…… if the heart of the flax bush is gone?”*
As a flower grows……
``` ** Lake Nga-Roto by** Stephen Douglas
Seven stones in my hand Where have these stones been? Who has stepped on them?
a Testimony\ is more than what I say\ it is who I am!
* ** Red Lanterns,***
WAVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stephen Douglas
Waves pounding upon the shore, rising tide creeps up the shore\ wetting rocks, stones and sand yet not able to wet me. \ For I stand higher on a rock, out of reach from tidal wash\ because there’s an unseen force limiting; holding the\ * Waves, pounding upon the shore.**\ *.\ .\ .
Your Vote 2020
I hear a poem, do you hear 1 2? Author: Stephen Douglas
***I look up –*** to the Table Mountain Range, Cape of Good Hope. Does my strength come from these mountains?
I used to be a tall strong pine tree In Manawatu hills beyond thee With branches wide and green; Habitat for wild birds and bees,
*I turn my gaze to address your moon-face and shout aloud my boon*
I walk the steps of Saints Francis and Clare. . . .
``` We all walk the road to Emmaus, A walk not too far from heart breaking affairs. Affairs which create doubts and questions about what is possible in life. Such happenings can engage deep conversations with friends, Turning despair to hope, a place not too far from here. We all walk our road to Emmaus,
“Am I my brother’s keeper, shouted the stranger from the back, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me.”
``` Autumn colours are plentiful this morning, as I walk ..The pathway winding through this beautiful scenery Thankful I have eyes to see and legs to move me. ..Gratefulness abounds in my spirit for autumn leaves Sing praise to their living Creator; these leaves sing ..Their song of happiness, beauty, and creativeness, I bend my ear to catch their song, to sing my praise too.
In a room...the empty tomb
Ocean waves pound upon the shore
Be they praying or callous workers hands
That fine dining score; 5 course with wine
Inspirational, free flowing
**It was an unusual sight to see** **Because it was only part of the tree**
One small leaf curls and tucks itself next to another,
As our body requires oxygen to move, to breathe, to know the taste of life
The way I spend time out in nature can affect how much my physical and mental health will recharge and how I benefit from it.
…….Where upon we lie upon our bed………… dream of what’s ahead
So, I Ponder. . . . .
If you be Light when all around is dark
Lower Dam – Wainui-o-mata
delicate. . .delicate. . .delicate…..
I rake the fallen camellias, which lie upon the ground. They’ve flowered their youth; Bloomed their best - in seasonal time.
The weather changes like my mood as I contemplate life at noon. I wonder if the rain today has a message plain & true.